So, you’re a small business, currently planting roots in your industry. Video marketing is essential for your brand, with social video generating 1200% more shares than text and image content and 86% of people asking for more video from brands.

But, where do you begin? With a small budget and  (possibly) limited  video  production knowledge, getting started with video marketing can seem like a challenge.

Take a look below at our suggestions for the first three videos your small business should make, either through a video production comp any or DIY if you’re feeling adventurous.

1 – Brand Story / Company Culture Video

A Harvard Professor discovered that consumer purchasing decisions are 95% subconscious, often ruled by emotion rather than logic. A brand story video is a perfect way to connect with your audience whilst explaining your aims and purpose.

Some companies have exciting beginnings like (Jack Daniels), which makes for great dynamic video content. You may feel your brand beginning isn’t quite as inspiring as some. However, all brands have something important; a unique motivation. Why did you start your company? How will you help the world? Placing your inspiration at the centre of your brand story video is a good place to start.

Our Top Tips for Creating a Brand Story Video

– Keep it short and sweet. Most brand story videos are best in under two minutes.
– Begin with a bang. The average human attention span is now only 8 seconds; it’s essential to impress from the get-go!
– Don’t forget your mission and vision! It can be easy to get caught up in the exciting world of video creation. But don’t forget the most critical points; what you do and why you do it.
– Check out some examples. Our blog 6 Brand Videos That Will Motivate Your Marketing has some great examples of successful brand story videos.

Content Ideas

– Feature Employees. Make your video personable by featuring members of your team.
– Animation. If you’re a modern, digital-led brand, animation can be a beneficial and engaging video  type.
– Recycled Content From Live Events. Had some fun live events that capture your essence? Combine it with onscreen text or a voiceover for a simple and engaging brand video.

2 – Customer Testimonial Video

People trust real people. Creating a customer testimonial video that showcases the best of your projects and reviews is a great way to generate interest from potential customers.

Of course, many people read reviews on Trip Advisor and company websites, but seeing real people talking about their experience with your product or service is far more effective.

Remember that a small amount of quality, detailed reviews are far more effective than lots of generic, average comments.

Our Top Tips for Creating a Customer Testimonial Video
– Think about your ideal customer. The clients you chose to feature should align with your target audience.
– Prepare your client. Inform them of the questions you will ask them in advance. They should have time  to think about an answer beforehand so they won’t crumble under pressure. If they are filming the video  themselves (in a vlog-style testimonial), give them a guide to the topics you would like them to cover.
– If you are interviewing your client, check out our blog How To Conduct An Interview (To Improve Your Video Marketing).

3 – Product or Service Explainer Video

96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. A product explainer video is a simple and effective way to let your audience know the details about what you do or what you offer.

Top Tips:
– Keep it short and sweet. Like your brand story video, it’s a good idea to keep things under two minutes.
– Add subtitles. Did you know that 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound? Ensure you include a transcript so no-one misses any key information.
– Make it visually bold and exciting.

Make sure to check out our blog 5 Tips To Create a Successful Explainer Video for a quick guide on how to boost your content.

If you need help getting started in video marketing, make sure to get in touch at